Saturday 14 April 2018

Geranium Nodosum (a hardy geranium)

So - it's been a nice afternoon for gardening (well, mostly weeding!)  I have no idea what kind of weather encourages weeds to grow in certain areas but grow they do.  Curse the Romans for bringing in Ground Elder!  The roots spread for miles, and I hear they can go downwards that far too.  I have a long thin border up at the top where the car parking area is, and it has several good shrubs and hardy perennials in it; but I need to get weed smotherers in there too and at one end there is too much bare earth. 

At the farm shop today I spotted rununculas.  Not weed smotherers, and certainly not perennials, but a cheery show for a short time in spring, so a bright read one came home and is "in".  I also had, ready to plant, 3 dark red saxifrage which should form a good size non-weedy clump, so they are also in.  Finally, the geranium below, which I bought last September.  The reasons for not planting about 20 poor souls at the right time are not going to aired today, but nevertheless they are gradually going in and (hopefully) spreading their roots and settling in.  This geranium, one of the rather wilder kinds, is a nice lilac pink, and blooms for a lot of the summer.  It will spread too, and apparently is great for naturalising under shrubs and is happy almost anywhere.  So in it went. It's flowers are rather bigger than they look there in the pic, although not as big as the flashy flower-show type.

Geranium nodosum

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